Not sure where to start with the
college search process?
Overwhelmed about your next steps?
With over 4,000 colleges and universities
in the United States,
how can you find the right one?
For over twenty years, I have assisted students and families in finding their best college destination. Let's work together to find the right "fit" for your student!
Identify which colleges are the best fit for you
Assist with the admission and financial aid applications
Athletic recruitment steps
College interview preparedness
What to watch for on a college visit
Writing the college essay
Analyzing your financial aid award packages
Appealing your financial aid awards
Making the final decision
Final enrollment steps

First-Year Applicants
Do you know what type of college you want to attend?
Need help submitting your application?
Did you write a personal essay that truly reflects you and your abilities?
Are you ready for your college interview?
Do you need more financial assistance?

Transfer Students
Did you choose the wrong college and want to enroll somewhere else?
Not sure how your transfer credits will fit in at your new school?

International Students
What should you be looking for in an American college?
How can you find the "right" place to study in America?
Do you need help applying for a student visa?